Spring is just around the corner and you might be thinking that it is just about time to dust off your shelves and purge your storage closet. Well, we have a few tips to just help you get a head start in the decision of what to keep and what to toss.
1.Make a Schedule
Note down everything you want to tackle- whether it’s starting small with cleaning out the fridge, or going big with clearing out an attic. We recommend starting small so that you aren’t too tired for the big stuff later on (maybe kick things off with clearing out that junk drawer!)
2. De-Cluttering is the Name of the Game
It’s never easy to let go of that beloved decade-year-old ticket from the movies, but let’s be honest, the memory isn’t the ticket, it’s the experience! Make sure you’re only keeping the absolute necessities or the big milestone markers to ensure an efficient clean.
3. Consider Using Green, Eco-Friendly Cleaning Supplies
Sure, that vinegar and water solution might not smell the best immediately, but it’s almost always safer not only for your furniture and fabrics, but for your lungs! Cleaning is bound to air out some dust and dirt, so do yourself (and the planet) a favor and skip all the chemicals.
4. Gloves Are Your Best Friend
You never know what you’re going to find and how long it’s been there for. Grab a pack of thick rubber cleaning gloves to protect your hands from potentially gross objects and even cleaning supplies that you might utilize. Maybe consider a mask as well if you're allergic to dust!
5. Work From the Top-Down
Don’t start with the downstairs floors when the upstairs hasn’t been fully cleaned yet. You’re just going to drag dirt back down to the first floor!
6. Your Couch Could Use Some Love
Everyone sits on it- from family and friends, to furry pets. Don’t forget to dust the good ole’ sofa and check in between cushions for discarded snacks!
7. If Walls Could Speak, They’d Ask for a Wipe Down
No, really- walls collect a lot of dust so it’s important to wipe it down with a dry towel followed by dampened cloth with some all-purpose cleaner just in case. While you’re at it, hit the windows to, and get a vacuum on those curtains that have been hanging for ages!
Edge Realty was founded in 1990 in the waterfront community of Edgewood, Rhode Island, inspired by the richness of the architecture and the quintessential Ocean State coastline. With a background in the arts, we took our creativity and strategic thinking into Real Estate. Since then, Edge Realty opened its South County and Newport locations, and has continued to expand; now operating throughout Rhode Island, Massachusetts and Connecticut, with referral partners worldwide. With three strong decades of sales in all aspects of real estate, from first time buyers to luxury homes, Edge Realty has sold thousands of properties- including one-of-a-kind architect designed homes, historic time pieces, and whimsical beach cottages. We bring the Art of Real Estate to you – with a Creative Edge.
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